Conference 2011: Global Vision, Local Action

Bournemouth University has announced the 4th Annual Global Vision, Local Action Conference to be held 8-9 September.

The conference aims to address the overlapping themes of sustainable development, internationalisation, and global citizenship and how local action can address such global concerns.

Please see the “enrolment” section of the BU Conference 2011 website for further information on attending.

Contributions from any source demonstrating relevance to global perspectives and sustainable development in both further and higher education will be considered. Contributions the following three themes are welcome:

  1. Internationalisation and global citizenship: developing the curriculum; inclusive pedagogy; enhancing the experience of UK and International students; engaging students with the global (mobility, e-learning, collaboration)
  2. Local action: extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which engage learners with ESD and citizenship, eg. volunteering, campaigns, social entrepreneurship.
  3. Corporate Responsibility and behaviour: leadership for ESD; staff development; greening the campus; reducing carbon; initiatives which enhance campus life.

Those who wish to present at the conference are asked to submit an abstract and two sides of A4 paper to include:

  • Page 1: nature of submission (presentation or workshop), title, theme(s) addressed, author(s), institution, and full contact details.
  • Page 2: title, theme(s) addressed, and the abstract of the paper (500 – 600 words)

All submissions to be sent electronically to: by 31 May 2011.

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