Spirituality and Study Abroad

A link to this article was recently posted on SECUSS-L:

Sacred Traveling: How Study Abroad Can Enhance the Interior Life <http://www.facultyled.com/sacred-study-abroad/>  by Janine Paden Morgan (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) explores an overlooked dimension of study abroad programming, the impact it has on the spiritual lives of students. Janine is chaplain and instructor in Bible, Ministry and Missions for Abilene Christian University’s ACU in Oxford program and contributing author of Transformations at the Edge of the World.

Teaching International Students: an HE Academy and UKCISA Project

UKCISA and the Higher Education Academy have launched a project aimed at providing resources for teaching international students.  They appear to have some interesting and relevant resources in a Resource Bank that can be found here.  You will also find a pdf document depicting the International Student ‘Lifecycle’ which is cleverly hyperlinked to explanatory text and resources.