UK NARIC – Focus: USA article

FIE is a member of UK NARIC, which is the national agency responsible for providing information, advice and expert opinion on qualifications worldwide. In the March edition of NARIC News there is an interesting article called ‘Focus: USA’ on the similarities and differences between the UK and US higher education, and qualification, systems, and why many US students choose to study in the UK:

You can read more about our UK NARIC member benefits at


Call for papers: Teaching the Transatlantic/Transatlantic teaching

Teaching the Transatlantic/Transatlantic teaching Institute of Historical Research, London, 17 May 2013

This one-day interdisciplinary workshop organised by the Higher Education Academy will explore how (and even why) we teach the Transatlantic.

Crossing the Atlantic has, in many ways, never been so easy. As teachers and researchers in the field of Transatlantic studies, we are often building bridges across cultures. We move between text and image, history and literature, research and teaching. We are also often crossing the space of the Atlantic itself, a space that is rich in movement and metaphor. How does this ebb and flow across cultures translate into our teaching? With increasing numbers of academics crossing the Atlantic in both directions, it is a good time to explore how they translate themselves in a new geographical and cultural landscape.

This workshop is the first in a series of events (leading to eventual publication) designed to explore these issues.

Call for papers – extended to 15 April 2013 Please send 250 word abstracts for 15 minute papers on teaching across/in the Transatlantic in any of the Arts and Humanities disciplines to before 17:00 on 15 April.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

•          Translating the teacher – how do we translate our own learning experiences that are deeply embedded in a specific time and place?

•          Transatlantic modules – what kind of texts are used in seminars about the transatlantic and how do students respond?

•          Teaching the Caribbean across the disciplines;

•          Travelling through/across/into languages;

•          Transatlantic student mobility;

•          Comparing and contrasting teaching practice across the Atlantic.

Fee £50 for subscribers (£100 for non-subscribers) Free for those presenting papers.

For further information please visit